Get to know your hotel advocates with search continues to expand the features in the newest Advocates section! This new addition to the account provides insights into your hotel advocates on an individual level.

Advocates list view

Filter and sort to easily navigate your hotel advocates: All, advocates with Photos, or advocates with Quotes. A dropdown allows you to sort further by recent activity, top advocates, photos or quotes for curation.

Advocates detail view

From there, select any card to view details including connections, visitors and sign-ups. A series of stories is chronologically presented about their engagement with your hotel. Pre-stay, Post-Stay, Photo-Contest are all here, as well as other information that may have been captured, like the booking date and stay dates.

Introducing Advocate Search
Looking for someone? Now search for advocates by name, reservation number or email address. Click through result cards to navigate to individual advocate details.

Published by

Eric Peters

Director of Engineering at Eric is an IT leader with over 15 years of success delivering complex technology and business solutions.